Vandaag is zaterdag 21 september  

categorie categorie Retraite
wanneervrijdag 5 t/m donderdag 11 juli 2019    Evangelie van 2019-07-05
 titelRetreat - Theology of the Body

What is ECHO?
ECHO is a Theology of the Body Retreat taking place this year in Walsingham in collaboration between the Shrine and Dumb Ox Ministries in the USA. At ECHO, we will immerse ourselves in, unpack, and explore the themes of prayer, our identity, and our mission to love. We are all created to be in personal relationship with God, and each of us are created as a unique, unrepeatable man or woman with a vocation to love like God. At ECHO, we probe into questions like: What does it mean to be a man or woman? What does it mean to be a son/daughter, brother/sister, husband/wife, father/mother? What does it mean to really love like GOD? What does it mean to have authentic, pure, life-giving relationships? How can being single, dating, religious life, marriage become a life-giving experience? And... so much more!

What is ECHO for?
ECHO is for young adults aged 18-35. Everyone who applies will be considered but due to capacity constraints, overall mix of male/female, and other factors, spaces at ECHO Walsingham will be necessarily limited.

Where is it taking place?
ECHO will take place at various locations in Walsingham. Participants will stay in the Shrine’s residential accommodation in Elmham House and Dowry House.

When will it start and finish?
With arrivals happening in the afternoon, we plan to start with Mass around 5pm on Saturday 6th July. The retreat will finish around 2pm on Thursday 11th July.

How much does it cost?
The retreat will cost £400 per person, inclusive of accommodation and all meals. We have extended the ‘early bird’ offer of a reduced cost of £350 to apply for bookings made by Thursday 23 May. A non-refundable deposit of £100 will be required to secure your place.

We recognise that some potential retreatants might find the cost challenging and encourage you to seek help with funding: your parish might help with funding this week of spiritual formation. If you have any questions or concerns about the ECHO registration cost, or to inquire about paying by instalments, please contact us at


plaatsWalsingham (Groot Brittannië)
doelgroepJeugd en Jongeren Jeugd en Jongeren
Google map

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