Vandaag is zaterdag 21 september  

categorie categorie Conferentie
wanneervrijdag 27 t/m zondag 29 mei 2022    Evangelie van 2022-05-27
 titelFEAMC Symposium

FEAMC extended board meeting, including a symposium, to be held in Asissi, Italy, open for members of associated associations.


  • Session I: Health care systems – Physician-patient relationship – competence and compassion
  • Session II: Perinatal medicine and compassion
  • Session III: Surgery and compassion
  • Session IV: Compassion in some medical disciplines I
  • Session V “Compassion in some medical disciplines II”
  • Session VI: End of life and compassion
  • Session VII: Gender medicine and compassion

Life venue in Assisi

  • Participation in the symposium (general costs, social dinner): € 80, students € 40
  • Stay Domus Pacis Assisi, full board: single room €80,– per night, double or twin room € 65 p.p. per night or € 130 per night (2 persons), triple room € 60 p.p. per night
  • Visit to Francescan places (San Damiano, Eremo delle Carceri, Rocca etc) for non-participating partners € 50

Online participation

  • Participation in the online symposium (general costs): € 40, students € 20
  • Zoom

General information

  • Conference language: English


plaatsAssisi (Italië)
Google map

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