Vandaag is zondag 6 oktober  

categorie categorie Retraite
wanneervrijdag 7 t/m zondag 9 juni    Evangelie van 2024-06-07
(Heilig Hart van Jezus)
begintijd18:00 uur
 titelRetraite fr. Jacques Philippe

Retreat by father Jacques Philippe on Interior Freedom from the 7th until the 9th of June. It will officially start with dinner at 18:00 on Friday the 7th and finish on Sunday the 9th, at 17:00. If you would like, you can already arrive after lunch (13:00 onwards) on Friday, to take a moment to settle and walk around nature.

The retreat will take place in Helvoirt, at Bezinningscentrum Emmaus.

Price is € 60 p.p.
The price includes stay for two nights, two warm meals, breakfast, two lunches and the cleaning service. It does not include use of sheets and towels, so bring your own (a sleeping bag should be fine).

The sleeping arrangement will be in shared rooms, where 2 to 7 people fit. The rooms do not have toilets or showers, these are located in the rooms’ hall. 
Everyone is expected to arrange their own transportation to the place. We can eventually help with picking people up from a place in Helvoirt.

Registration form:


(06) 4400 3175

locatieBezinningscentrum Emmaus, Udenhoutseweg 15
plaatsHelvoirt (Noord-Brabant)
bisdomDen Bosch
doelgroepJeugd en Jongeren Jeugd en Jongeren
Google map

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