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categorie categorie Bedevaart
wanneermaandag 25 t/m woensdag 27 november 2024    Evangelie van 2024-11-25
 titel13e Bedevaart - Populus Summorum Pontificum

Van 25 t/m 27 oktober 2024 wordt in Rome de dertiende bedevaart gehouden van Populus Summorum Pontificum.

Each year, from 2012 onward, the representatives of the People “Summorum Pontificum” bring together in Rome faithful, priests and religious from all over the world. Their aim is that of being part of the new evangelization at the rhythm of the extraordinary form of the roman rite – i.e. the Latin and Gregorian Mass, celebrated according to the last edition of the Tridentine Missal published by Pope John XXIII.

During the three-day pilgrimage, its participants have the opportunity of witnessing the eternal youth of the traditional liturgy. Friday, the pilgrims gather in the Basilica of Santa Maria “ad Martyres” (Pantheon), where they assist at solemn Vespers. Saturday, after a time of Eucharistic adoration and a procession throughout the streets of the centre of Rome, a solemn Pontifical Mass is celebrated in St. Peter’s Basilica. The pilgrimage ends Sunday, feast of Christ the King with masses of thanksgiving.


plaatsRome (Italië)
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